Cantilever Racking

Cantilever System | Cantilever arm racks

These shelves use a cantilever rack system | Cantilever rack shelves for storing tall and heavy items such as tubes, rods, wood, and tall boxes. Design in two shapes: Upright shelves on one side and Upright shelves on both sides.

It is a storage system that consists of storing plants left and right and is used to store conditions of raw materials and products in general, such as pipes, long, iron ores, wood, and others.

Some companies and warehouses face some difficulties in storing these conditions of raw materials and products, this storage system helps them to face these difficulties.

The most important features of Cantilever Racking :

  • use most of the space inside the warehouse
  • Vertical storage of raw materials and products of lengths
  • Arrange products in a way that is easy to load, unload and store
  • Maintain products condition inside the warehouse